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About the Zoo
EndoFaun Zoo was established in 1998. Mainly because the owners recognised a real need for young children (and adults) to be educated in the diversity of our natural world. There was also a real need for the propagation of endangered and critically endangered species of which the owners have an extensive working knowledge.
The Zoo is a registered institutional member of The African Association of Zoos and Aquaria (PAAAZA).
The Zoo does not specifically sell animals, however, they do enter into surplus agreements with other registered institutions and breeding loans. The Zoo uses a professional quarantine and translocation company (Zoological Live Animal Suppliers).
The primary mission of EndoFaun zoo is the education of people in all aspects of the natural diversity which man finds himself in. Its further objective is the understanding of the natural history and biological, social, and psychological needs of all species and as such fully supports the research required in the understanding of successful maintaining, breeding, and where required, re-introducing of species. Acknowledging the need to preserve the natural habitat of all species as paramount to conservation and as such endeavours to educate and promote the preservation of such habitat.
Executive Officer:

Animals We have Worked With
Large Carnivores
Small Carnivores
Primates (Except Gorillas)
Tortoises and Terrapins
Avian Species (all types)
Pinnipeds (Rhino, Hippo, Elephant)
Fish (Aquarium, pond types)
Fresh water
Marine (limited)